Capture the magical world of Disney with the Innov-is M380D – a unique sewing and embroidery machine.
The Innov-is M380D is packed with advanced sewing features. What’s more, you’ll love the array of built-in embroidery patterns and stitches, which gives you performance and variety in Brother’s characteristically easy to use manner. Plus, its 45 picture-perfect Disney character designs will offer you endless fun.
We would always recommend you call into our Staffordshire studio to check this is the machine for you. It would give you the chance to try it out and others in the range to find the best machine for your needs. If you are unable to visit us and you know you want this machine just call us and we can take payments over the phone and arrange free delivery. Contact us on 07970 345628 or email to arrange a suitable time to try out some machines or make an order.
The Lorna Knight Sewing Academy, Ashbourne Road, Bradnop, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7NX. Tel: 01538 371682. Email: Privacy Policy